Handmade Altar: 2 Day Workshop


Saturday and Sunday, May 17-18, 12 - 2 PM

Sliding scale pricing (use codes below):


Instructor: Bee Ho

No experience necessary, but careful hands and painting skills will be very helpful to get the most out of this class. This is a two-day, back to back workshop in which you will build your altars out of clay slabs for the first session, and then decorate them in the second session.

A flash sheet of decorative motifs will be provided, as well as all tools needed to create your altars. If you would like to create an altar to hang on your wall, please bring any hardware you plant to use with you during the first session to plan around. A simple nail should be enough!

Codes: ALTAR100, ALTAR150


Saturday and Sunday, May 17-18, 12 - 2 PM

Sliding scale pricing (use codes below):


Instructor: Bee Ho

No experience necessary, but careful hands and painting skills will be very helpful to get the most out of this class. This is a two-day, back to back workshop in which you will build your altars out of clay slabs for the first session, and then decorate them in the second session.

A flash sheet of decorative motifs will be provided, as well as all tools needed to create your altars. If you would like to create an altar to hang on your wall, please bring any hardware you plant to use with you during the first session to plan around. A simple nail should be enough!

Codes: ALTAR100, ALTAR150

Saturday and Sunday, May 17-18, 12 - 2 PM

Sliding scale pricing (use codes below):


Instructor: Bee Ho

No experience necessary, but careful hands and painting skills will be very helpful to get the most out of this class. This is a two-day, back to back workshop in which you will build your altars out of clay slabs for the first session, and then decorate them in the second session.

A flash sheet of decorative motifs will be provided, as well as all tools needed to create your altars. If you would like to create an altar to hang on your wall, please bring any hardware you plant to use with you during the first session to plan around. A simple nail should be enough!

Codes: ALTAR100, ALTAR150